Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vitriol Sensation

I was reading The Fasting Girl by Michelle Stacey last night. In the midst of reading, the book quickly mentioned vitriol-throwing.. which was a brief criminal sensation during the late Victorian years.
The book states:
"Innocent citizens were burned by vitriol thrown on them by persons unknown to them-a puzzling, random crime that enjoyed a brief popularity."
I thought this was interesting because I've never heard of vitriol.. and i like poisons. Vitriol is another name for Sulfuric acid. Apparently, criminals would take a bucket, or a jar, of vitriol and throw it at victims thereby burning off their face and other body parts. Arthur Conan Doyle mentions this type of attack in one of his books. there are different types of vitriol. The color of the end product corresponds with the named color.

blue vitriol: copper sulfate
green vitriol: iron sulfate
white vitriol: zinc sulfate
(shown is blue vitriol)

I tried to find some info about crimes about vitriol in my other books. Haven't found anything yet. If you would like to read part of this book, please go
The book mainly tells the story about a girl who unexplainably survives on hardly any food excepts a bit of milk and fruit. Then later in life, doesn't eat any food for the 12 ending years of her life.

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