Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chinese Etiquette

At archive.org, there is a Chinese etiquette book titled Instruction for Chinese Women and Girls.
It's written in English, I assume for Chinese immigrants. The best thing about it is that it's from 1900, so it is very interesting to compare regular turn of the century etiquette with Chinese etiquette from the same year. It's actually a little hilarious for me, because some rules still apply when I'm with my mom.As most people think Victorian etiquette is strict, the Chinese etiquette seems a lot stricter than American etiquette at that time. There is more of a focus on respecting elders and men as the female is the lesser being to do all the work and house slaving. Late to bed and early to rise.
"The most important is to be pure and upright in morals; If pure, you are clean inside and outside; Chastity is your body's glory. Having it, all your acts shine. When walking, look straight, turn not your head; Talking, restrain your voice within your teeth; Sitting, don't shake your knees a common fault with men; Standing, keep quiet your skirts; When pleased, laugh not aloud; If angry, still make no noise[...] Fully understand. Boys and girls must not together be. With outside business you have no concern; Therefore, go not beyond the court. If necessary outside to go, Exhibit not your form, But screen your face with fan or veil. To men who are not with you related you may not speak. With women and girls of not careful conduct you may not associate. Following virtue, decorum, and uprightness, you so accomplish the end of your being. "
On raising a girl:
"Girls must dwell in the secluded rooms ; Seldom permit them to go outside. When they are called they must come ; When told to go, let them obey. If disobedient in the least, Use small switches and punish them. "
On having a husband:
"When a girl leaves her father's house Her husband thereafter Is her nearest relative. In her former state, before she was born, Her relations in the present world were fixed. Her husband is to her as heaven ! How dare she fail to reverence him ? The husband commands, the wife obeys ; Yet let there be mutual grace and love [...]When the 'husband goes out The wife should respectfully ask how far he must walk. If by the middle of the night He has not returned home, She may not sleep, but must still wait for him, Keep the light burning and his food hot, Until she hears his knock at the door. Do not imitate lazy women Who go to bed before it is dark. "
If this is interesting, you can download the text file or a pdf of the book.

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